6 Surprising Benefits of Stress
Stress can force you to reevaluate deadlines.
While interning at an outpatient parent and child education program in a psychiatric hospital, I met women who were overwhelmed by the stress of managing their lives and caring for their children. While the program provided holistic services for the mothers, my primary assignment was to work with the children.
Although I was not privy to all their stories, I knew that some faced less severe issues than others. I also knew that, as outpatients, they were higher functioning with limited resources. The skills they learned to help them cope with stress are those that you might take for granted.
Unlike chronic stress, when you experience acute stress (less than 6 months), you have an opportunity to use it to your advantage and make it beneficial for you. Here’s how some limited instances of short-term stress can be useful.
Consider these benefits of Short-Term Stress
1. Stress can help the brain.
A study, titled "Acute stress enhances adult rat hippocampal neurogenesis and activation of newborn neurons via secreted astrocytic FGF2," found that stress had an interesting impact on the brains of rats.
* Researchers found that stress can make neural connections stronger and help memory. This applies to short-term stress and not long-term or severe stress.
* The study also found that short-term stress can help push the brain to an optimal condition. This means that the brain is forced to focus better and reach its highest potential.
* During the study, the rats' brains improved because stem cells made new nerve cells. Scientists believe the same thing is happening in human brains under stress.
2. Stress can provide motivation.
Stress can force you to reevaluate deadlines and motivate you to take action to finish things on time.
* A looming deadline can make you stressed, but it can also force you to take charge of the situation. This provides the motivation to stop procrastinating and complete what is needed.
3. Stress can fortify resilience.
It can make you more flexible and understanding.
* The idea that stress can make you stronger is true. Researchers believe that surviving short-term stress helps build emotional and mental resources.
4. Stress can improve your immune system.
A study, titled "Stress-induced redistribution of immune cells - from barracks to boulevards to battlefields: a tale of three hormones," found that stress can actually help the immune system. Short-term stress can make immune cells jump into action.
* The immune system responds to stress by going into active mode. Researchers believe this developed over time to protect humans. Evolution allowed people to stay strong and healthy under stress.
5. Stress can serve as a signal.
If you feel your body and mind are under stress, then it's time to evaluate your life. Stress can be an indication that you need to slow down or make changes. It can be a warning before serious health or life issues arise.
* If you feel you're under constant pressure, take the time to reflect on your concerns about friends, family, work, and other obligations. Your stress could be telling you that some things may need to be adjusted, so you're not overwhelmed.
6. Stress can strengthen your relationships.
Stress makes the body release oxytocin, a hormone, which can help you feel more connected to others.
* The hormone makes you feel like bonding with others and sharing your burdens. This can help you build stronger relationships with those you love. It can encourage you to share your troubles instead of letting them consume you.
There's no doubt that living under constant, extreme stress is harmful. However, short-term stress has benefits. It can advantageously affect your body and mind in a variety of ways ranging from motivation to brain activity.
The Top 8 Things You Can Learn From Your Children
A young boy teaches his grandmother how to use a gaming console while his mother looks on.
Do you think you're smarter than your kids? Do you believe they can learn a lot from you, but they have nothing to teach you? Your kids have a ton to teach you. In fact, many of the negative issues in your life could be resolved by adopting the attitude and perspective of a child. Are you willing to learn from a child?
Children have a lot to teach adults:
1. Your children can teach you how to forgive.
Children are excellent at forgiving quickly and easily. A child can forgive another child within a minute. How long does it take you to completely forgive a peer?
2. How to make better use of your imagination.
Children can invent a game with a pile of dirt, a stick, and bubblegum wrapper. The average adult isn't creative enough anymore to figure out how to get the last of the peanut butter out of the bottom of the jar.
* We live in a time of unlimited information, but little inspiration. The days of knowing more than others are largely gone. The real power lies in discovering new ways of using that information.
3. Children are more present than adults.
If a child is participating in an activity, their mind is focused on that activity. Adults can rarely keep their minds contained. They might be watching a movie, but thinking about work, or wondering how much the electric bill will be this month.
* Children are imaginative, but their minds are rooted in the present moment. They spend little time thinking about the past or the future. Adults would be wise to follow suit.
4. Spontaneity.
Have you ever heard a kid planning out their day or week? It's doubtful. They think of something to do and then do it until it isn't fun any longer. Adults do need to make plans, but a little spontaneity would be a great thing for most adults. Life presents many opportunities spontaneously. Many of them won't wait for you to make plans.
5. Kids have open minds.
They generally make their decisions based upon their own personal experiences, which are few.
* Adults, however, are influenced by the opinions of others, the media, second-hand information, and learned biases. Adults have judgments about everything, even those things they know little to nothing about.
6. Enthusiasm.
A trip to the park or to McDonald's is enough to get any child excited. It takes little to make a child's day. It takes a lot to get a rise out of the average adult. Children don't resist life to the same extent adults do. Lower your defenses and feel some enthusiasm for life.
7. Curiosity.
Children are curious by nature, and they investigate the things that make them curious. They constantly ask questions about how things work or why things are the way they are. What have you learned in the last week? The last year?
8. Maintain your social circle.
Children stay in contact with their friends, spend time with them, and make new friends on a regular basis. Adult often limit their social activity to spending lunch with a coworker. Maintain a social life.
Children know many things that adults have forgotten over the years. The tendency to enjoy life, feel enthusiasm, and maintain social relationships is stronger in children than adults. Consider approaching life more like a child. You can learn a lot from your kids!
What did you unexpectedly learn from your child or your children?
Plan Nature Outings Your Children Will Love
Nature outings are an ideal way to spend time together as a family and help your children develop an appreciation for the natural world. No matter where you live or the ages of your children, there are several great ways to connect with nature and each other as a family.
Nature Outings Close to Home
Play in your own backyard.
There are many things to observe right in your own backyard. Install a bird-feeder and learn to identify different species and their habits. Use a rainy day to teach your children about the water cycle. Camp out by pitching a tent.
2. Get to know your neighborhood.
A routine walk can be transformed into an expedition if you get some guidebooks to your local plant and wildlife. Learn to identify various trees and observe seasonal changes. Identifying so-called weeds is a good way of teaching your children about vegetation indigenous to the area, while are giving them botany lessons.
3. Visit local parks and other attractions.
There are opportunities in every community to visit zoo, parks, and other nature preserves, whether you live in the country or the city. Plan trips to the closest beach or lake. Go online to find children's programs at your local park or natural history museum.
Nature Outings Away From Home
1. Explore state and national parks.
Camping in state parks is a great bargain for family travel. Check out the Junior Ranger program at the National Park Service. Children can earn badges for all kinds of educational tasks.
2. Plan outdoor activities at your vacation destination.
Be sure to include some outdoor recreation activities wherever you go for vacation. If you're visiting relatives far away, get familiar with the facts about their region and use them to teach your children about ecological diversity.
3. Send your child to summer camp.
Summer camp can be an enriching experience for youngsters with opportunities to learn new things and make new friends. The American Camp Association can help you find an accredited program to match your child's needs.
Planning Nature Outings for Babies and Younger Children
1. Introduce your baby to nature.
It's never too early to get started. Listen to bird songs with your baby. Admire colorful flowers along with your infant.
2. Read guidebooks and maps together.
Make guidebooks and maps part of your family reading. You can point to pictures of animals and plants and repeat the names together with smaller children. As your child gets older, let them pick out their own books and read passages to you.
3. Keep a journal.
Get your child a journal with blank pages. They can record their nature observations and make sketches. It will be fun for them to see their progress over time, and it will help keep them motivated.
4. Start a collection.
Invite your child to bring back trophies from your outings, such as interesting stones and seashells. Give them an inexpensive camera so they can take their own pictures.
5. Include the family pet.
Domestic animals can help teach your children about other species and the role of instinct in animal behavior. Pay attention to what your dog is doing. Discuss how to tell a dog's mood by the position of his ears and tail.
6. Relax and have fun.
Keep your outings enjoyable. Adapt your activities to your child's attention span. Use their interests to suggest new topics to explore.
Planning Nature Outings for Older Children and Teens
1. Invite them to lead.
Give older youths the opportunity to take the lead. By instructing younger children, they can be positive role models and develop a sense of accomplishment.
2. Include their peers.
As your child grows older, they'll be more focused on socializing with peers. Talk with their teachers about organizing an outing at their school. Let them invite a friend along when your family goes kayaking.
3. Encourage their interests.
This is how you use your children’s interests to your advantage, and the easiest way to get them to learn. Support your children's emerging interests. For example, if they get excited about solar energy, take them to a local university lecture on the subject.
Nature outings can help you raise healthier children who appreciate and respect the environment. Enjoy your time together and celebrate the natural wonders that are present in every community.
Are you a nature lover? If so, how do you share that love with your children? If not, which from the above list would you try with your child or children to expand your own horizons?
Top 10 Life Lessons to Teach Your Child
The best time to learn life lessons is in childhood, before poor habits are developed. Now is the perfect time to teach your children essential truths that lead to a happy and successful life.
Consider the things you wish your parents had taught you when you were younger. How would your life differ from today? What can you teach your child that will help them for the rest of their lives?
Teach your child how to happy and successful:
1. Be a good winner and a good loser.
Everyone wins and loses. It's important to do both well. Those that win and lose poorly struggle later in life. The winning and losing never stop. It makes life easier when you learn how to do both gracefully at an early age.
2. Learn to finish things.
Teach your child to follow through to completion. It doesn't matter if the task is cleaning their room, raking leaves, or playing a game. Adults with the habit of leaving things undone lead chaotic lives. Finish and then move on to the next task.
3. Tell the truth.
Lying is another bad habit. It might feel like a viable solution in the short-term, but it fails in the long-term. Lying is a crutch that creates greater challenges and unnecessary drama. Telling the truth is easier on many levels.
4. It's okay to fail.
Failure is one of the most efficient ways to learn. You make an attempt, come up short, and readjust your approach. Children that are afraid of failing are stifled as adults. Life is too short to hide from every opportunity that might result in a failure.
5. Persistence wins.
The person who never quits always seems to win in the long-term.
6. Have goals.
A child's goal might be to get an A on a test or be nice to his sister for the rest of the evening. Having an intention leads to success. Without goals, we're at risk of wandering aimlessly through life. Ask your child what they want to accomplish today and help them understand how they can achieve it.
7. Say please and thank you.
Everyone is worthy of a certain amount of respect. Saying please and thank you regularly is one way of demonstrating that respect.
8. Success requires work.
Success at school, sports, work, family life, and relationships require work. Nothing is automatic. A little effort each day is necessary for success in any part of life.
9. Eat well and exercise regularly.
Imagine how much better you'd feel if you had spent the last 20 years eating well and exercising consistently. Habits developed in childhood can last a lifetime. Give your child a fighting chance to avoid obesity and the associated health issues.
10. Save your money.
If everyone consistently saved 15% of their paycheck, 95% of the financial challenges people face could be avoided or easily eliminated. How much could you have saved since you started working? Force your child to save a portion of any money they receive and explain why it's important.
Even if your child is still young, there is much you can teach them. Children trust their parents. There's never going to be a better time to impart these lessons to your child. Consider what everyone needs to know in order to be successful and live an enjoyable life. Begin teaching your child today.
Learn more about the top 10 skills children need for success.
5 Ways to Help Your Children Set and Achieve Their Goals
We all have things we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Often, these aspirations are dismissed as unrealistic or outside the realm of possibility. This is particularly discouraging when children are met with criticism. But you can show them how to accomplish anything they believe in. With the right attitude, you can help them make their dreams come true and experience the fulfilling life they were born to live.
With time and dedication, you can guide your children in finding a way to get to where they deserve to be!
Use these five strategies to set them on the path that leads to success:
1. Write it Down.
Your children can achieve great things if you instill in them to put their minds to it. But unless they write it down, their goals will remain wishful thinking.
* Having them write down their goals helps them to crystallize their thinking. Instead of vague generalizations, they'll set their goals with clear objectives and, with your guidance, an understanding of the direction they must head in order to experience the realization of those goals.
2. Focus on Actions,
Instead of Results. Show them that they can control the actions they take on the path to their goals. When they focus on their actions, they will learn that the results will take care of themselves. When they do, they'll feel less pressure along the way because their focus will be on things they can control.
* Help them break the goal down into small steps. This series of steps will serve as their roadmap. It will encourage them to keep putting one foot in front of the other and to notice what's working and what isn’t is part as of the learning process. It is important for you to encourage them to continue moving forward and refuse to give up, so that they will reach the finish line. This practical experience will give them a transferable skill to apply in realizing future goals.
3. Be Consistent.
Once they have a roadmap in place, encourage them to consistently take action in the direction of their dreams. Things likely won't go exactly as they've planned, but let them know that adjusting their plans as they take action and give them feedback on their progress.
* Whenever they set a goal, help them take one small step toward its fulfillment. That way, when they leave a goal setting session with you, they've already made some progress. This will motivate them to continue.
* Even if they're unsure how to proceed toward the result they're after, encourage them to get started on the path to that goal anyway. Help them determine the first step they need to take, and have them take it. Once that's done, ask then what they think the next step should be, and have them do it! Keep it simple, and show them how to keep taking one step at a time until their goal is achieved. You're their coach on this journey and along the way, you are strengthening the bond between you.
4. Teach Them to Learn from Their Setbacks While Achieving Their Goals.
There's an old saying that claims that nothing worth having ever comes easy. When you pursue anything that's worthwhile, you're sure to experience setbacks. Experiencing setbacks while realizing goals is inevitable. When your children are faced with setbacks, use these opportunities as teaching moments. This way, they’ll learn that it’s how they treat the setbacks that will determine whether they succeed or fail. Teach them to embrace learning from these experiences and to welcome them as course corrections toward their inevitable success.
5. Celebrating Success Along the Way.
When things go their way, celebrate with them. Every day, have them visualize what success will feel like and celebrate their inevitable victory. Treat them to a reward when they overcome challenging obstacles. Remember that success is a journey to be savored and not simply a destination to be reached.
You have a greater capacity for insuring your children’s success than you might realize. Within you is everything you need to help your children realize the dreams that are in their hearts. Incorporate these five steps into the pursuit of positioning your children for success and fulfillment!
Learn the executive skills employers find more valuable than grades, technical skills or recommendations.
6 Tips for Teaching Your Young Children About Money
Did you know that children can benefit from finance education at an early age? A study from the University of Cambridge, “Habit Formation and Learning in Young Children,” your 7 year-old has already formed habits about money. According to the researchers, it’s important to begin teaching your little ones financial literacy by age 3. Why? Because they pick up money habits quickly, so giving them the right direction is crucial. Here are six tips you can use.
Turn any room into a make shift supermarket and let your children role play. this will give them a basic introduction to commerce.
Start with basic currency literacy.
Did you know that your 3 year-old can recognize and remember coins?
You can educate your children about the different coins and dollar bills. Have them match pictures of coins with the actual coins. Although children can do this at age three, remember to watch them carefully or they might swallow them. During vacations abroad, consider teaching them about foreign currencies. This will expand their minds and help them learn more about the countries you’re visiting.
When you teach your children how to manage money, you give them a valuable skill for life.
Create money jars.
Money jars are a fun and easy way to educate your child. Create three types of money jars: one for spending; one for saving; one for giving. These three jars cover the basic lessons of understanding how to use money. One financial literacy teacher I know, recommends four jars: one for long-term goals. I say she’s on to something. Learn more about her work here. Teach your children how to use the jars and why they’re important. Have them separate money they receive as birthday gifts or allowance payments among the jars. Your children will learn how to save for the future which will teach them delayed gratification. Use the giving jar for charities. Your children will learn about giving and understand how they can help others with their money. When they donate the money to local animal shelters, food pantries, or not-for-profit that reflect their particular interest, they make a connection between their interest and how to apply it to helping others.
Help your children do the math in calculating how much money they are saving by using coupons. Let them use the savings to replenish those money jars.
Use coupons.
Using coupons can give your children an important lesson on saving. Have them cut or tear out coupons with help from your children and leave them in charge of handling the papers at the store. According to the Children's Financial Network, kids as young as 5 can benefit from learning how to use coupons in a store. They will see how to save money and make wiser shopping decisions.
Teaching your children money management skills early helps them to develop healthy relationships with money.
Set a money goal.
Children can set a money goal to purchase a favorite toy or other item. Money goals are an easy way to teach children financial patience and delayed gratification. The sooner they experience delayed gratification, the sooner they will benefit from it. Besides, it also provides a lesson in how to save money. It’s important to set realistic goals to accommodate age-appropriate attention spans so children will be motivated to stay on a savings plan. If the toy they want is expensive, it can take a while to reach their goals. Will they stay interested? Picking smaller and less expensive targets is better, especially for the smallest children.
Knowing how to comparison shop is another skill that would help your children.
Go shopping.
Let your children use their spend jars at the store to make purchases. Shopping provides an easy lesson setting. How will your children spend their money? Will they use their entire jars at one store or spread them out over many shopping trips? What teachable moment could be drawn from their experience? An outing to the local toy store also gives you the chance to discuss comparison shopping. Point out different prices on similar items and teach your children about finding inexpensive options. Evaluating the results of the shopping trip will help them understand their choices.
Yard sales give your older children an opportunity to practice the art of negotiation.
Use yard sales.
Yard sales offer another way to educate children about finances. Yard sales can help you clean out your children’s rooms and teach them about money at the same time. Ask your children if they want to participate in the yard sale by selling their old toys or clothes. Help them select items they no longer use and find appropriate prices for them. They can use the experience to refill their money jars. Older children can help sell items at the sale. They can keep track of change and watch customers. This is also a valuable opportunity to learn about price negotiations with customers.
Begin your children’s financial education before they are in school. It’s important for them to understand basic money rules and form the right habits.
Learn more about money mindset for minors.
Tapping Into Your Imagination and Releasing Your Creative Genius
You have a powerful imagination even if you don’t realize it. Your brain is able to generate some great ideas. Exercising the imagination is not a preoccupation reserved for children. Just like working out helps you maintain your physical health, the imagination helps you keep your brain healthy.
While your imagination is always available, it’s not always at its best. Your busy schedule with work, home, family might dominate your time. Like making time to go to the gym, making time to exercise your mind is just as important. It’s necessary to use it and feed it to keep it sharp. With a little work, your imagination will serve you well.
Who couldn’t use a great idea or two?
Try these techniques to release your creative genius:
1. Spend more time alone.
The most creative people also tend to be those who spend the most time alone, even if it means hiding away for 15 to 30 minutes. Your imagination can run free when you’re alone. People are distracting.
2. Set aside time to be creative.
Creativity and your imagination go hand in hand. Set aside some time each day to be creative. Your imagination will benefit, too.
The more you grow your creativity, the more your imagination will grow, and vice-versa.
3. Set aside time to visualize.
Practice visualizing each day. Visualize things you know. Visualize things that don’t exist. Really stretch your ability to see things in your mind. Here are two exercises to get you started:
Close your eyes and imagine a piece of fruit in your hand. Describe in detail what it looks like, how it feels in your hand, and how it smells. Now, take a bite and describe the taste.
Visualize yourself in a pleasant environment, perhaps the beach. Fully experience being in that place. What do you see, hear, smell, and feel? How real does it feel to you?
4. Allow yourself to daydream every day.
Allow your creativity to run wild. Daydream for at least a few minutes each day. Just see where your imagination takes you.
Avoid the temptation to steer your daydream in a particular direction.
5. Create something from your imagination.
Use your imagination to build something.
Suppose you wanted to build a birdhouse. Imagine every aspect of it in your mind. Decide on the dimensions without using a ruler. Plan out every aspect of it and then actually build it. Use only your memory and the necessary tools when it comes time to build. Evaluate how you did.
Remember: Thoughts are things.
6. Explore various creative avenues.
If you love to draw, draw. But you’ll become better at drawing if you try your hand at painting, sculpture, or music. Branch out a little bit and your ability to imagine new things will grow.
7. Withhold judgement.
Judgment blocks creativity. If you fear being judged, your ability to imagine and create is greatly stifled. The surest way to worry about other people judging you is to be judgmental of others. Worrying about what others think also undermines success in all endeavors.
Also, avoid judging the ideas of your imagination. Allow them to take their final form before you critique them.
8. Travel.
New places lead to new thoughts and creations. The number and quality of ideas you generate is limited if you spend all of your time in the same 50-mile radius. Expand your horizons and get out of town, or better yet, out of the country. There is value in moving beyond your comfort zone. Take advantage of the tip below in your travels and in your local community.
9. Spend time with new people.
The same goes for spending time with a wide variety of people. Meeting new people will lead to new thoughts and ideas. The enrichment you’ll get could be.
Provide your imagination with the fuel it needs to expand. Give it a workout each day. These two simple ideas are all you need to get a lot more from your imagination. New people, places, and creative experiences will give your imagination more to work with.
Using your imagination regularly will improve its performance and ability to communicate with you. Your imagination is a tool that’s too powerful to waste. Start using it today!
Learn how daydreaming leads to creativity and success.