5 Ways to Help Your Children Set and Achieve Their Goals
We all have things we would like to accomplish in our lifetime. Often, these aspirations are dismissed as unrealistic or outside the realm of possibility. This is particularly discouraging when children are met with criticism. But you can show them how to accomplish anything they believe in. With the right attitude, you can help them make their dreams come true and experience the fulfilling life they were born to live.
With time and dedication, you can guide your children in finding a way to get to where they deserve to be!
Use these five strategies to set them on the path that leads to success:
1. Write it Down.
Your children can achieve great things if you instill in them to put their minds to it. But unless they write it down, their goals will remain wishful thinking.
* Having them write down their goals helps them to crystallize their thinking. Instead of vague generalizations, they'll set their goals with clear objectives and, with your guidance, an understanding of the direction they must head in order to experience the realization of those goals.
2. Focus on Actions,
Instead of Results. Show them that they can control the actions they take on the path to their goals. When they focus on their actions, they will learn that the results will take care of themselves. When they do, they'll feel less pressure along the way because their focus will be on things they can control.
* Help them break the goal down into small steps. This series of steps will serve as their roadmap. It will encourage them to keep putting one foot in front of the other and to notice what's working and what isn’t is part as of the learning process. It is important for you to encourage them to continue moving forward and refuse to give up, so that they will reach the finish line. This practical experience will give them a transferable skill to apply in realizing future goals.
3. Be Consistent.
Once they have a roadmap in place, encourage them to consistently take action in the direction of their dreams. Things likely won't go exactly as they've planned, but let them know that adjusting their plans as they take action and give them feedback on their progress.
* Whenever they set a goal, help them take one small step toward its fulfillment. That way, when they leave a goal setting session with you, they've already made some progress. This will motivate them to continue.
* Even if they're unsure how to proceed toward the result they're after, encourage them to get started on the path to that goal anyway. Help them determine the first step they need to take, and have them take it. Once that's done, ask then what they think the next step should be, and have them do it! Keep it simple, and show them how to keep taking one step at a time until their goal is achieved. You're their coach on this journey and along the way, you are strengthening the bond between you.
4. Teach Them to Learn from Their Setbacks While Achieving Their Goals.
There's an old saying that claims that nothing worth having ever comes easy. When you pursue anything that's worthwhile, you're sure to experience setbacks. Experiencing setbacks while realizing goals is inevitable. When your children are faced with setbacks, use these opportunities as teaching moments. This way, they’ll learn that it’s how they treat the setbacks that will determine whether they succeed or fail. Teach them to embrace learning from these experiences and to welcome them as course corrections toward their inevitable success.
5. Celebrating Success Along the Way.
When things go their way, celebrate with them. Every day, have them visualize what success will feel like and celebrate their inevitable victory. Treat them to a reward when they overcome challenging obstacles. Remember that success is a journey to be savored and not simply a destination to be reached.
You have a greater capacity for insuring your children’s success than you might realize. Within you is everything you need to help your children realize the dreams that are in their hearts. Incorporate these five steps into the pursuit of positioning your children for success and fulfillment!
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