The 10 Most Common Symptoms of PTSD
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a common condition.
In undergraduate school, I studied child development. The process of child development is universal. The adults and the cultures are what make a difference in the lives of children. During my human rights studies, I focused on education in emergencies. That is where I learned that children fleeing armed conflict suffered trauma similar to children growing up in violent urban communities.
In both cases, the children have reached the final process of GAS: General Adaptation Syndrome. GAS the three-stage process that the body undergoes when stressed. These stages are:
1. The Alarm Stage is the fight-or-flight response;
2. The Resistance Stage your body continues to secrete stress hormones and your blood pressure remains elevated;
3. The Exhaustion Stage which is the result of chronic stress (6 months or more).
Chronic stress has a debilitating effect on the body and, after more than a year of navigating a pandemic, all children are dealing with COVID-induced trauma.
Furthermore, PTSD is found in people that have suffered a significant traumatic event in the past. This can range from childhood bullying, rape, child abuse, war, law enforcement, or any other terrifying or violent event. Today, the COVID-19 Pandemic is a significant traumatic event that has impacted families worldwide. This makes it particularly challenging for parents to “be there” emotionally for their children. Furthermore, everyone is unique in their ability to process and deal with trauma.
PTSD is a serious disorder that increases the likelihood of suicide or intentional self-harm, and there has been an increase of suicide among children since the recent global shutdown. Over the course of a lifetime, the odds of suffering from PTSD are roughly 1 in 12. The COVID-19 Pandemic, however, will likely increase those odds over a lifetime. Although common, PTSD is a serious a psychiatric condition and its severity varies dramatically.
PTSD is most commonly associated with soldiers.
Common Symptoms of PTSD
1. Overly intense negative feelings associated with a past traumatic event.
It’s natural to squirm a little bit when you relive bad experiences in your mind. However, we’re talking about something on a totally different level with PTSD.
● The negative feelings are very intense. This is the type of fear and discomfort that can alter your day to day life.
2. Nightmares of the traumatic event.
Recurring nightmares are common in those with PTSD. Most often, the nightmares are about the traumatic event. But, the content of the dream can be unrelated to the original subject matter. These unrelated nightmares seem to be more common in children with PTSD.
3. Difficulty creating or maintaining relationships.
Relationships can be especially challenging for those with PTSD. PTSD sufferers tend to keep their struggles to themselves, but their pain is often obvious to others. There is a disconnection from other people.
4. Flashbacks that feel like the event is happening all over again.
Not everyone with PTSD has flashbacks, but they aren’t uncommon. Flashbacks have been described as a dream that happens while you’re awake. They can be extremely vivid and can even include olfactory and auditory hallucinations, too.
5. Persistent, negative thoughts about the world, other people, or yourself.
Everyone has an off day now and then, but those with PTSD frequently have negative thoughts that invade every part of their life.
6. Lack of interest in normally pleasurable activities.
For example, if you used to love to play golf, checkers, or watch romantic comedies, but you can’t enjoy them after suffering a traumatic event, you might have PTSD.
7. Hyper-vigilance.
Imagine walking down a dark alley in a bad part of town, late at night. You’d be hyper-vigilant. That’s a normal reaction, but if you’re hyper-vigilant while watching TV on the couch in your own home, you might be dealing with PTSD.
8. Guilt or shame.
PTSD sufferers often feel guilt or shame for surviving a traumatic event that left others dead or seriously hurt. Soldiers and law enforcement officers often feel guilt or shame for people they may have had to harm in the line of duty.
9. Self-destructive behavior.
Substance abuse, self-harming, and other self-destructive behaviors occur with high frequency in those with PTSD. Reckless behavior can be a sign of PTSD.
10. Difficulty concentrating.
As you can imagine, all of these symptoms can make concentration very challenging. PTSD sufferers often complain of issues with focus and concentration.
Anyone suffering from PTSD would be wise to seek professional help.
PTSD is compounded when families experience trauma
PTSD is a serious psychiatric condition with the potential to have serious consequences on one’s quality of life. It is a common condition that, generally, affects over 8% of the population over the course of a lifetime. In the advent of the COVID-19 Pandemic, expect that number to rise. PTSD can make it challenging to work, sleep, maintain a relationship, or to enjoy life. In serious cases, it can lead to suicide.
The COVID-19 induced PTSD, holistic approaches help alleviate the pressure on you to help you deal with your own trauma when you might be emotionally unavailable to your children. This would include talk therapy, massages, acupuncture, and riekki, as well as maintaining a healthy diet, staying hydrated, exercising and getting adequate sleep.
For school children and adolescents, the cooperative model of psychological services offers support that involves the social, school and family systems. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) offers guidance for coping while challenges based on a child’s age range.
While PTSD is most commonly associated with soldiers, anyone can suffer from PTSD. Bullying experiences, abuse, and violence in general are a few of the other causes of PTSD. Anyone suffering from PTSD would be wise to seek professional help.
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Only a qualified medical provider can diagnose PTSD. If you have any of the above signs and symptoms, contact the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) here, or call 800.950.NAMI (6264).
Learn more about COVID-related stress in children.