Black History 365: An Inclusive Account of American History
BH365 is a "'truthcentric,’ non-partisan and comprehensive solution to the History education gap in American schools.” It gives adults and children opportunities to develop and enhance socio-emotionally with America’s most emotionally charged issue as context. This book offers healing to a nation.
BH365, written by Drs. Walter Milton, Jr. and Joel Freeman, is a 5-pound, 1248-page textbook available in hardcopy and digital formats.
When I first heard about Joel Freeman, it was during his book launch of Black History 365: An Inclusive Account of American History. (BH365) I ordered the book, opened it and found a treasure trove.
Contemporary Education Does Society Harm.
American History has been taught in a way that exacerbates the race problems in the country. Origins of those problem can be found in the US Constitution and there are United States Supreme Court decisions that perpetuated the problem. Dred Scott v Sandford, 60 US 393 (1857) denied citizenship to all blacks so that they would not have the right to bear arms. US v Cruikshank, 92 US 542 (1875) denied blacks recompense when whites killed and destroyed the property of blacks (this set the stage for lynchings with impunity, voter suppressions and massacres). In addition, The federal government forbade whites from selling property to blacks in what are called restrictive covenants. Real estate brokers were complicit in the scheme showing blacks and immigrants properties in hazardous locations and offering mortgage at higher rates than white for less funds, respectively. There is so much more I could share with you, but I’ll stop here.
Why America is Lost.
Leaders are expected to unite us, especially during times of crisis.
There’s a saying, “If you don't know your history, you're doomed to repeat it.” That’s America’s problem today: reconstruction; Jim Crow; Jim Crow 2.0. How many of those instigating and contributing to these problems know the truth about American history?
Why Children Need to Know the Truth.
When we teach them the truth they learn to appreciate the truth, us, and it helps them to develop critical thinking skills based in fact. We need to allow children to use their intelligence and trust that they're going to make good decisions. We also need to overcome the fear of facing the truth about American history ourselves, so that we may assist children in doing the same. We are in this boat together; facing our fears helps us to become our best selves.
BH365 Creates a Safe Space to Make This Happen.
BH365 is a "'truthcentric,’ non-partisan and comprehensive solution to the History
education gap in American schools.” It gives adults and children opportunities to develop and enhance socio-emotionally with America’s most emotionally charged issue as context. This book offers healing to a nation.
In addition to giving an inclusive account to American history, the purpose of when they were kids this says thanks for your support of BH365 is to provide “a solution to the education gap in America, specifically designed for public, charter, private and home schools across America, yet it also engages all ages and that's where this project helps develop.”
BH365 Helps Children Develop Executive Skills.
BH365 took 2 1/2 year to complete after authors, Drs. Joel Freeman and Walter Milton, Jr. worked 12-16 hours day to produce this “1248 page love letter to the world.” The textbook is designed so that “ all readers to become:
critical thinkers;
compassionate listeners;
fact-based respectful communicators;
action-oriented solutions.”
In addition to critical thinking skills, other executive skills this book helps children develop are teamwork, adaptability, problem solving, self-control, and intentional interaction. Note that executive skills are most important for success in life.
BH365 is American History.
BH365 contains ten units:
How Africa Got its Name;
The Transatlantic Slave Trade;
The American System and The Forming Thereof;
The Emancipation and Reconstruction;
The Great Immigration and Its Aftermath;
Civil Rights and American Justice
The Economic System;
Black Culture and Influence;
50 Stars: the impact of black Americans on every state
The North Star a Guide to Freedom and Opportunity in Canada.
BH365 is rich with vibrant pictures, thousands of QR codes, and it has a theme song, too! This “love letter” to the world is indeed a gift that will keep on giving for centuries to come.
Learn more about BH365 in this video.